Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Welcome !

Hi All!

Welcome to the Keys R Us blog! If you are interested in KEYS, then this is the place. There will be few off topic items here. Please relate your posts to something musical, keyboard instruments or peripherals.

Sometimes discussions can go down rabbit trails, and that can be ok. Please, but oh please, use decent language, no flames! Since organs and organ music is popular in Churches, sometimes a discussion of religious topics can ensue. Disrespecting a persons religious beliefs is simply OFF TOPIC here.

There are some pictures to the right that may be of interest to some of you. The MIDI setup is the Roland E-70 synth connected to the EnsoniQ MR Rack, Peavey Spectrum Organ, and Peavey Spectrum BASS. All mixed-down to two channels. One channel goes directly to the Leslie 302c (center rear) speaker cab. The other channel goes from the mixer through the old Bogen CB100 amp to the two Crate K80's on the sides. The Leslie normally stays on Chorale, and is a nice interaction with the K80's. Great sound for a small venue. For bigger venues where a real organ isn't available, I go with more amps/channels/speakers rather than mixing everything down to two channels.

The Allen pictures are provided for those folks that need to know where the console controller lockout switch is located. That switch will enable voicing menus in the CC for newer Allen Organs with the Console Controller.

One picture is of a circuit board that I have no idea what it is for. If anyone knows, LET ME KNOW! I don't mess with something that I don't know anything about!

I'll probably get some pictures of my Hammond and Rialto posted sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Ok! Finally got the pictures of the Hammond H382 and Gulbransen Rialto K put up. So, that fairly well completes the photo documentation of my equipment. Again, if anyone knows what to do with that little green circuit board with the blue trim pots on it, PLEASE let me know! I haven't a clue as to what it does or doesn't do, and I'm not into doing the 'Golden Screwdriver' routine with this.